In order to comply with the Fisheries Act, it is recommended that you incorporate the following measures into your project proposal:
Ensure that fish migration through the culvert is maintained such that the structure will not create a velocity barrier to migrating fish or destabilize the channel downstream
Embed water crossings as appropriate to ensure fish passage and channel crossing stability
If you are conducting in stream work during periods of low flow to further reduce the risk to fish and their habitat no in-stream work or construction activity should occur from March 15th to June 30th
If the drain is dry, work can proceed at any time of the year
Erosion and Sediment Control
Install effective erosion and sediment control measures before starting work to prevent sediment from entering the water body
Conduct regular inspections and maintain erosion and sediment control measures and structures during the course of construction
Repair erosion and sediment control measures and structures if damage occurs
Remove non-biodegradable erosion and sediment control materials once site is stabilized
Shoreline Re-vegetation and Stabilization
Clearing of riparian vegetation should be kept to a minimum
Immediately stabilize shoreline or banks disturbed by any activity associated with the project to prevent erosion and/or sedimentation, preferably through re-vegetation with native species suitable for the site
If replacement rock reinforcement/armouring is required to stabilize eroding or exposed areas, ensure that appropriately-sized, clean rock is used; and that rock is installed at a similar slope to maintain a uniform bank/shoreline and natural stream/shoreline alignment
Remove all construction materials from site upon project completion
Operation of Machinery
Operate machinery in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the banks of the watercourse