As part of its work, the Contractor will implement the following measures that will ensure that any potential adverse effects on fish and fish habitat will be mitigated:

  1. As per standard requirements, work will not be conducted at times when flows in the drain are elevated due to local rain events, storms, or seasonal floods. Work will be done in the dry. 
  2. All disturbed soils on the drain banks and within the channel, including spoil, must be stabilized immediately upon completion of work. The restoration of the site must be completed to a like or better condition to what existed prior to the works. The spoil material must be hauled away and disposed of at a suitable site, or spread an appropriate distance from the top of the drain bank to ensure that it is not washed back into the drain. 
  3. To prevent sediment entry into the drain in the event of an unexpected rainfall, silt barriers and/or traps must be placed in the channel during the works and until the site has been stabilized. All sediment and erosion control measures are to be in accordance with the related Ontario Provincial Standards. It is incumbent on the proponent and Contractors to ensure that sediment and erosion control measures are functioning properly and maintained/upgraded as required. 
  4. Silt or sand accumulated in the barrier traps must be removed and stabilized on land once the site is stabilized.
  5. All activities including maintenance procedures should be controlled to prevent the entry of petroleum products, debris, rubble, concrete, or other deleterious substances into the water. Vehicular refuelling and maintenance should be conducted away from the water. 
  6. Any drain banks trimmed outside of the July 1st to September 15th timing window will require erosion control blankets to be installed to promote re-vegetation and to protect the slope from erosion in the interim.