the cap. The Contractor shall fill all voids between the concrete filled jute bags and the corrugated steel pipe with concrete, particular care being taken underneath the pipe haunches to fill all voids.

The completed jute bag headwalls shall be securely embedded into the drain bank a minimum of 450mm (18") measured perpendicular to the sideslopes of the drain.

As an alternate to constructing a concrete filled jute bag headwall, the Contractor may construct a grouted concrete rip rap headwall. The specifications for the installation of a concrete filled jute bag headwall shall be followed with the exception that broken pieces of concrete may be substituted for the jute bags. The concrete rip rap shall be approximately 460mm (18") square and 100mm (4") thick and shall have two (2) flat parallel sides. The concrete rip rap shall be fully mortared in place using a mixture composed of three (3) parts of clean sharp sand and one (1) part of Portland cement.

The complete placement and backfilling of the headwalls shall be performed to the full satisfaction of the Drainage Superintendent and the Engineer.