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13. Measures for Encounters with Turtles Outside of a Sensitive Period
- 13.1. Where one or more individuals belonging to a turtle Species is encountered while undertaking an Activity in any part of a Work Zone (including, but not limited to, a Sensitive Area) but outside of any Sensitive Period for that Species, the Municipality shall:
- briefly stop the Activity for a reasonable period of time to allow any uninjured individual turtles of that Species to leave the Work Zone;
- where individuals do not leave the Work Zone after the Activity is briefly stopped in accordance with (a) above, capture all uninjured individuals and release them in accordance with section 14.1;
- where circumstances do not allow for their immediate release, transfer captured uninjured individuals for a maximum of 24 hours into a Holding Tub which shall be stored out of direct sunlight and then release them in accordance with section 14.1;
- capture and transfer any individuals that have been injured into a Holding Tub separate from any Holding Tub containing uninjured individuals; and
- store all captured injured individuals out of direct sunlight and immediately Contact the MNR to seek direction and to arrange for their transfer.
14. Release of Captured Individuals Outside of a Sensitive Period
- 14.1. Where uninjured individuals are captured under section 13.1, they shall be released:
- within 24 hours of capture;
- in an area immediately adjacent to the Drainage Works;
- in an ill ea that will nut be further impacted by the undertaking of any Activity; and
- not more than 250 meters from the capture site.
- 14.2. Following a release under section 14.1, the Municipality shall Contact the MNR within 72 hours of the release to provide information on the name of the Drainage Works, the location of the encounter and the location of the release site.
15. Measures for Dead Turtles
- 15.1. Where one or more individuals of a turtle Species is killed as a result of an Activity in a Work Zone, or if a person undertaking an Activity finds a deceased individual of a turtle Species within the Work Zone, the Municipality shall:
- place any dead turtles in a Holding Tub outside of direct sunlight; and
- Contact the MNR within 72 hours to seek direction and to arrange for the transfer of the dead individuals.
16. Training and Required On Site Materials for Snakes
- 16.1. The Municipality will ensure any person:
- involved in the capture, temporary holding, transfer and release of any snake Species has received training in proper snake handling procedures; and
- who undertakes an Activity has a minimum of two Holding tubes and cotton sacks on-site at all times.