The Municipality shall undertake measures to minimize adverse effects on species at risk in accordance with the general conditions described in Part B and taxa-specific conditions described in Part C, and the monitoring and reporting requirements described in Part D of this Mitigation Plan. 


1. Definitions: 

1.1.   In this Schedule, the following words shall have the following meanings:

"DFO" means Fisheries and Oceans Canada;

'MNR" means the Aylmer District Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources;

"Contact" means to contact the MNR in accordance with the notification/contact schedule provided to the Municipality by the MNR Designated Representative from time to time;

'Holding Tub° means a large, light-colored container fitted with a non-airtight latchable lid approved by the MNR for the temporary storage of captured snakes, turtles, amphibians, birds or eggs;

'Interagency Notification Form' means the form issued by DFO, available at, which is required to be completed when a drain is being maintained or constructed;

"Monitoring and Reporting Form" means the document that must be completed by the Municipality in accordance with Part D to this Schedule and will be provided to the Municipality;

"Ontario Operational Statement" means one of the documents issued by DFO, available at, that sets out the conditions and measures to be incorporated into a project in order to avoid negative impacts to fish and fish habitat in Ontario, as modified from time to time;

"Process Charts" means the charts attached as Part E to this Schedule which describe the steps set out in this Mitigation Plan;

"Seasonal Timing Windows Chart" means the chart attached as Part G to this schedule which describes the Sensitive Periods applicable to each Taxonomic Group;

"Sensitive Area" means a geographic area in the Municipality where additional mitigation measures are required to be undertaken for one or more Taxonomic Groups; 

"Sensitive Areas Map" means any one of the maps attached as Part F to this schedule which sets out the applicable Sensitive Areas;

"Sensitive Period' means a time of year set out in the Seasonal Timing Windows Chart during which taxa-specific mitigation measures are required to be undertaken for a Taxonomic Group because of ambient air/water temperatures, water-levels or important life-history stages;