reinforcement at each level of blocks. The Contractor shall provide and install 1.0 metre wide sloped quarried limestone on filter cloth protection on the drain banks at each end of the new vertical precast concrete block headwall. The driveway top width shall consist of granular ‘A’ material as called out on the plans. All work shall be carried out in accordance with these specifications, plans in Appendix “REI-E”, and the requirements in Appendix “REI-C”.

Station 0+000.0 to Station 1+472.1

The Contractor shall carry out cleaning of the pipes in the drain as set out in the schedule of items and plans to remove accumulated sediment and restore the drain to the profile grade on the plans, including removal of any deleterious materials, all loading, hauling and disposal of materials. All work shall be carried out in accordance with the plans, these specifications and the requirements in Appendix “REI-C”.

General Bridge and Drain Work

For all bridges not being replaced, the Contractor shall clean through the existing structures, to remove all sediment and accumulated materials, and provide for the drain cross section as shown on the profiles and plans. All cleaning and flushing work shall be carried out to the complete satisfaction of the City Drainage Superintendent or the Consulting Engineer. The Contractor will be required to remove all material taken out of the access culverts and drains and haul away and dispose of same, at a site to be obtained by it, at its own expense.


  1. The City Drainage Superintendent or Consulting Engineer shall have authority to carry out minor changes to the work where such changes do not lessen the efficiency of the work.

  2. The Contractor shall satisfy itself as to the exact location, nature and extent of any existing structure, utility or other object which it may encounter during the course of the work. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Windsor and the Consulting Engineer and their representatives for any damages which it may cause or sustain during the progress of the work. It shall not hold the City of Windsor or the Consulting Engineer liable for any legal action arising out of any claims brought about by such damage caused by it.

  3. The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of layout stakes and grade points so that the City Drainage Superintendent and Consulting Engineer can review same and check that the work will generally conform to the design and project intent.

  4. The Contractor will be responsible for any damage caused by it to any portion of the City road system, especially to the travelled portion. When excavation work is being carried out and the excavation equipment is placed on the travelled portion of the road, the travelled portion shall be protected by having the excavation equipment placed on satisfactory timber planks or timber pads. If any part of the travelled portion of the road is damaged by the Contractor, the City shall have the right to have the necessary repair work done by its' employees and the cost of all labour and materials used to carry out the repair work shall be deducted from the Contractor's contract and credited to the City . The Contractor, upon completing the works, shall clean all debris and junk, etcetera from the roadside of the drain, and leave the site in a neat and workmanlike manner. The Contractor shall be responsible