In the Fall of 2019, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) initiated an audit to review the City’s Security Programs & Safety Incident Management functions. The review considered:

Most aspects of a physical security plan can be achieved by applying the six D’s: Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay, Defend and Document. When taken in a broad context, these principles will aid in developing a security strategy. The table below gives examples of controls that aid with each principle.



Examples of Controls


Deter the criminal from attempting a breach

Fencing, lighting, signage, visible security cameras and security guards


Detect possible intrusion in time appropriately unauthorized to respond

Video surveillance cameras, intrusion alarms, duress alarms, motion lighting and security guards


Deny entry to unauthorized persons, while allowing authorized persons to enter

Access control system, locks, security guards and policies/procedures


Delay or slow down an active intrusion enough to force the intruder to give up, or allow the security team to respond

Fences, locked security guards gates/doors and


Defend through security personnel or police response that attempts to stop or apprehend the intruder

Security guards and communication devices (phones, radios)


Documents to establish when and how controls are implemented, standards, roles, rights, authorities and responsibilities. Also includes incident reports to retain a record and details of every security incident, to aid in risk management and trending.

Policies, procedures, training manuals, incident reporting software, inspection logs.