measures to minimize adverse effects on the Species and, if applicable, to identify such measures. 

5.2. The prior notification under section 5.1 shall include a completed Interagency Notification Form:

  1. in respect of maintenance/repair where the proposed Activities are being undertaken pursuant to subsection 3(18) or section 74 of the Drainage Act, or

  2. in respect of construction/improvement where the proposed Activities are being undertaken pursuant to section 77 or 78 of the Drainage Act. 

5.3. Where an Activity is undertaken in accordance with section 124 of the Drainage Act and would otherwise have required prior notification under section 5.1, the Municipality shall Contact the MNR by email prior to the commencement of the Activity, and complete and submit the applicable Interagency Notification Form within one week of the Activity's completion, unless otherwise directed in writing by the MNR Designated Representative. 

6. General Mitigation Measures 

6.1. Notwithstanding that prior notification or additional mitigation measures may be required in accordance with this schedule, in undertaking any Activity at any time in respect of the Drainage Works the Municipality shall:

  1. undertake the mitigation measures for sediment control and for erosion control and bank stabilization set out in The Drain Primer (Cliff Evanitski 2008) published by DFO (ISBN 978-0-662-48027-3), unless otherwise authorized in writing by the MNR Designated Representative;

  2. use net free, 100% biodegradable erosion control blanket for all erosion control or bank stabilization done in conjunction with their Activities or, if authorized in writing by the MNR Designated Representative, alternative erosion control blankets that provide equal or greater protection to individual Species; and

  3. where applicable, follow the guidelines set out in the following Ontario Operational Statements:

    1. Beaver Dam Removal;
    2. Bridge Maintenance;
    3. Culvert Maintenance;
    4. Isolated Pond Construction;
    5. Maintenance of Riparian Vegetation in Existing Right of Ways; and
    6. Temporary Stream Crossing.