Phase 2

Three (3) in-house Security Guard positions for the weekday day shifts at City Hall.

Phase 3

Add in-house Security Guards as the budget allows.

Risk Analysis:

The recommendations in this report are meant to reduce risk. Failing to implement the recommendations leaves the Corporation more vulnerable to security breaches, thereby risking the health and safety of employees and the security of City infrastructure.

Continuing to operate without a centralized security structure will continue to result in inconsistencies in, or absence of, the application of security measures, data, policies and procedures. Any gaps in providing a centralized security structure could place people and assets at risk, and may be viewed as a negligence in duty to protect workers in the workplace.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:

Climate Change Adaptation:

Financial Matters:

Financial commitments required to implement a centralized corporate security division include both operational and capital costs.