assessed to individual owners as the City of Windsor will be picking up all costs for repairs and improvements to the drain under the general tax levy. However, benefiting landowners would be assessed their share of benefit for bridges if any repairs or improvements are needed to be completed to bridge accesses. A landowner asked if the Southwood Lakes development will be assessed for their contribution within the watershed. Mr. Rood explained that the said development, and all other development and lands within the watershed limit for the Cahill Drain – Upper Part will be assessed as blocks.

One landowner asked about enclosing the drain completely which would eliminate the need for maintaining the drain on a regular basis. Gerard explained how this option would not be feasible as there is too much environmental legislation to satisfy for this option. Additionally, with a drain of this capacity, the pipe size required would be very large, making the costs for this option significant. Mr. Rood explained that in most cases we are able to enclose a drain up to 14.0 to 16.0 metres before causing limitations to aquatic species within the drain.

One landowner raised concern over flooding in the past that has occurred on Sutherland Avenue due to pipes downstream being too high. Gerard explained that they will investigate this matter, and if the design grades confirm this statement, they will make the necessary provisions to correct the issue.

A landowner raised concern about bridge cost sharing and how lands to the south of Cousineau Road such as Southwood Lakes development receive benefit from bridges but do not pay direct benefit. Gerard explained how, in the past, bridge cost sharing used to be shared 50 percent to the benefitting owner of the bridge access and 50 percent to the upstream lands and roads for any legal bridge access located in the drain. Mr. Rood explained lands upstream of the bridge access pay for their share of the outlet as a benefit to having a sufficient outlet. They will further investigate bridges and determine a fair and equitable outcome for cost sharing of bridges in the drain utilizing the current basis for cost sharing.

One landowner expressed that they did not want any trees removed from the drain. It was discussed that all trees within the drain cross section from top of bank to top of bank will be removed to prevent obstruction of drainage; however, some mature or decorative trees may be able to be saved if the Contractor can work around them and they are outside of the drain channel. Material excavated along lawn areas will be done from the road side and will be trucked away. The City wants to restore the drain to an adequate capacity and wants a more accurate and fair assessment schedule for drain maintenance.

A landowner requested that the turning radius be improved at Mount Royal Drive as Transit Windsor has expressed the difficulties in turning off Mount Royal Drive to drop pedestrians off closer to the school. It was expressed that this is a safety concern as children are getting dropped off on Mount Royal Drive and walking in high traffic areas at risk of being hit by vehicular traffic. Also, it was discussed that a pedestrian crosswalk should be installed across from the Mt. Carmel School with a pedestrian bridge separate from the driveway access for vehicles. Mr. Rood assured the owners that this matter will be investigated, and proper provisions will be set out in the report.

The City expects to hold a Public Information Centre meeting with the owners to review the Draft report and get their input and address their questions on the project. It was discussed that owners may pay a lump sum amount or special equal annual rate sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the cost of the work over a 10 year period to reduce the immediate cost burden of their assessment for the work.