The additional $500,000 in work requested by the WSO will only proceed if the City is successful with it’s’ grant application as the City’s contribution to the $1,600,000 could be reduced to $1,100,000. As such, there is no risk that City funding expended at the Theatre would be more than what was presented in the 2020 8 Year Capital Budget. Should the grant be awarded at an amount less then $500,000, the list of additional projects would be reduced to ensure the City’s total investment in the Theatre based on this report does not exceed $1,600,000. Regardless of the outcome of the grant funding decision, sufficient City funding has been identified in the 2020 8-year Capital Budget to fund the $1,600,000 in renovations discussed above.

Preliminary estimates of the additional $500,000 in work requested by the WSO are provided in the table below.



Technology - Audio


Technology - Lights


Technology - Video


Technology - Stage




Electrical upgrades




Administration will work in conjunction with the WSO to complete this work. All improvements made to the facility will become assets of the City and will not be permitted to be removed from the site while the Theatre is being leased or upon lease termination. As such, Administration recommends that an amendment to the existing lease agreement between the City and the WSO regarding the Theatre be completed to address this matter should the grant be successful and these additional works are completed.


Derek Thachuk – Manager, Parks & Facility Assets & Projects

Sheila Wisdom – Executive Director, Windsor Symphony Orchestra

Kate Tracey – Legal Counsel