Item No. 7.1.10

From: AMO Communications

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 2:21 PM

Subject: AMO Policy Update – 2021 OMPF Allocations, LTC Home Community Paramedicine Program

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October 30, 2020

AMO Policy Update – 2021 OMPF Allocations and LTC Home Community Paramedicine Program

2021 OMPF Allocations Announced

Late yesterday, the Ministry of Finance issued allocation notices for the 2021 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF). The total funding envelope will remain at $500 million. These dollars are distributed to 389 municipal governments across the province and provide unconditional operating support for local frontline services. This early announcement of the 2021 OMPF allocations is much appreciated given current 2021 municipal budget deliberations.

At the 2020 Annual AMO Conference, Premier Ford announced that there would be “no changes to the structure” of the OMPF for 2021. This was positive news for municipalities amidst the ongoing uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. The adverse financial impacts to date will carry into the 2021 budget year and a stable and predictable OMPF benefits Ontario’s municipalities and communities.

Letters to Heads of Council and Treasurers have been sent out and the allocation notices may also be viewed on the Ministry’s website . We understand that $5 million is being shifted from the Transition and Stabilization Grants and has been reallocated in the Rural Communities Grant by $2 million and the Northern & Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant by $3 million, keeping with recent practice.