We also met with the Ministry on multiple occasions to ensure they understood the list we had provided and why it was reasonable based on the recommendations in David Lindsay's Mediation Report .

When the list of municipal government resolutions was prorated based on when in the year municipal governments wanted to transition (see Table below), the Ministry had a list that resulted in roughly one-third of the program transition per year. This was the stated objective from producers and industry to disperse the full cost over a three-year period.

  Total Households Served Total Population Collected Marketed Net Cost Total Residential Waste Generated
2023 - resolutions 40.45% 38.00% 38.12% 37.78% 38.32% 38.91%
2024 - resolutions 29.14% 29.50% 28.73% 28.18% 27.94% 28.83%
2025 - resolutions 25.21% 28.45% 29.10% 29.35% 26.97% 29.69%
Total - resolutions 94.81% 95.96% 95.95% 95.31% 93.23% 97.43%

As we always reiterated in our correspondence with you, the final decision on the transition schedule rests with the provincial government. They have indicated that they used your preferred dates but also included geographical catchments, tonnes and costs to set the schedule.

We understand changes to transition dates could be problematic for some, especially based on contractual relationships or other issues. We would encourage you to ensure the Ministry is directly aware of your concerns and would appreciate it if you could copy us on your correspondence.

If you have any questions or require further details please contact Dave Gordon at 416 389 4160 or dgordon@amo.on.ca .


Graydon Smith
AMO President
Mayor of the Town of Bracebridge