Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 4:28 PM
To: clerks <>
Subject: 2955 county rd 42 : objection to my property being included in the Local lmprovement for the construction of a sanitary sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession to 8th Concession Rd .

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To Whom lt May Concern: My name is Haidar Mansour, and I am the owner of the business (lube plus inc) and property located at2955 county Rd' 42. I am submitting this letter in formal opposition to my property being included in the Local lmprovement for the construction of a sanitary sewer and private drain connections on Baseline Road from 7th Concession to gth Concession Rd. To be clear, I am not in opposition to the Local lmprovement undertaking itself. Moving homes and businesses off septic systems has many potential benefits and I applaud the efforts of the city of windsor and allof the departments that it takes to coordinate such a large project that will include numerous residents as well as a variety of businesses to support the new populated area surrounding Baseline Road. My biggest concern, and objection, is the additional incremental costs associated with having to connect to services that run behind my property. As such, I am submitting my objection to having my property that fronts onto county Rd.42 included in the planned Local lmprovement project. While technically my property "abuts" the proposed work, for all intents and purposes my property is on County Rd' 42 and derives little to no benefit from having a rear property line along Baseline Rd.. My building and all associated services including all of the service connections are oriented and located in close proximityto the County Rd.42 frontage, allwith a reasonable expectation that municipal services would one day be added to County Rd.42,and that my business would be expected to connect to them. I believe this to still be a reasonable expectation, especially with the prospect of the new hospital and the associated improvements to Countv Rd.42 on the horizon. Unlike many of the businesses and residential lots i have a 200 meter frontage , not 50 not 75 not 100 , i believe that i am the one incuring the biggest cost here and that is not fair , we r a local oil change business that can not afford those huge costs to be added to our property tax bills plus we still have to dispose of a well operating septic system that already costed a fortune to install up to city requirments . In closing, I wish the City all of the best in constructing this project, and hope that my opposition to my property being included is given serious consideration.