Enbridge Gas Inc.
Union Rate Zone
2021 Summary of Customer-Related and Facility-Related Costs
Line No. Particulars 2021 Forecast
  Customer-Related Cost Forecast  
1 Customer-related Forecast Volume (103m3) (1) 7,043,504
2 Federal Carbon Charge ($/m3) (2) 0.0783
3 Total Customer-Related Costs ($) 551,506,350
  Facility-Related Cost Forecast  
4 Company-Use Forecast Volume (103m3) (3) 18,763
5 Federal Carbon Charge ($/m3) (2) 0.0783
6 Company Use Costs ($) 1,469,109
7 OBPS Obligation (tCO2e) (4) 96,961
8 Federal Excess Emissions Charge ($/tCO2e) (2) 40.00
9 Compressor Fuel Use Costs ($) 3,878,429
10 Compressor Fuel Use Costs - Unregulated ($) (5) (483,988)
11 Compressor Fuel Use Costs - Regulated ($) 3,394,441
12 Total Facility Related Costs ($) 4,863,550
13 Total Cost Forecast ($) 556,369,900


  1. Exhibit B, Tab 2, Schedule 1. Forecast volumes from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

  2. Exhibit A, Table A-1.

  3. Exhibit B, Tab 2, Schedule 2, Column 1, Line 4. Forecast volumes from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.

  4. Exhibit B, Tab 2, Schedule 4. Forecast from January 1 to December 31, 2021.

  5. Unregulated OBPS costs are allocated based on pro-rata regulated/unregulated total compressor volumes per Exhibit B, Tab 2, Schedule 2.