October 9, 2020

Neighbours of Baseline

City of Windsor
City Clerk
5th Floor
350 City Hall Square West
Windsor, ON
N9A 6S1
Email: clerks@citywindsor.ca

Re: City of Windsor LIP CR431/2020

Dear City Council and Administration,

Please consider this a formal objection to some components of CR431/2020. This objection has the support of at least all the names on the attached list of residents.

The objection is this

We the residents of Baseline road from concession 7 to concession 8 want the city to not rescind (III.) the rates on main trunk sewer lines that been in effect since CR292/2003.

CR292/2003 (a) That as provided for by Section 9 of Regulation 119/03, a uniform flat rate of $140.00 per metre of frontage be used on all petitions prepared for the construction of a sanitary sewer when only one sewer is being constructed.

We have included a timeline document to illustrate where we believe the issue has occurred. This is a brief background of the issue. In 2019 the city proceeded with a LIP to put sewers on our street. Then after the project started members of the city realized they had not processed bi-annual rate reviews for 17 years and applied over a 300% increase to catch up and charge this to a project that had already been started but not presented for approval until August 24, 2020. To make it worse, did it during a pandemic where people were suffering financial hardship. The city’s financial bad judgement in forgetting for 17 years to do a rate review should not be born on this project after we were advised that it was proceeding.
