From: Gloria Denomey

Sent: Friday, October 30, 2020 2:06 PM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Fwd: (Blank Msg)

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Date: October 30, 2020 at 1:02:49 PM EDT
Subject: (Blank Msg)

We should all-state this objection on the November 10th video call with McKenzie as well. Keep everything to on objection on reverting to prior November 2019 rates

Bob & Brenda

Subject: Today is the last day to object to the Bylaw for construction under the new LIP

Hi all, if you'd like to formally object, the letter dated Sept 23, 2020 from the City has the information on how to do that.

Bob Fletcher has been active in this on behalf of himself and all residents with help from Roger, Anita, Shelley, BK and myself.

I have prepared a letter of objection with a tax focus and outlining concerns that I feel are important to note for our particular rural road and large lots. Perhaps will fall on deaf ears, but it has to be said.

If we can save $100 per meter, I say let's try. Good luck to all of us!

Angie LaMarre, 3850 Baseline

October 30, 2020

City Clerks Office
