The following are the results of public notification of the amendments and the outcome of public meetings. Comments relate to the Official Plan amendment and rezoning.

A statutory public meeting of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee was held on September 21, 2020. Below is an extract from the minutes of the meeting.

7.3 Z-012/20 [ZNG/6081] & OPA 133 [OPA/6182] – Suburban Construction and Management Ltd. 7887 Edgar St – Rezoning & Official Plan Amendment Ward 6 George Robinson (author), Planner II – Revitalization & Policy Initiatives, presents the application.

Robert McFarlane (Zelinka Priamo), agent – they’re in agreement with recommendations. Mr. McFarlane reads through and addresses comments from area residents. Those concerns being:

  1. Traffic – Traffic Dept noted no issues. Sight line requirements will be adhered to. No major impact to the area.

  2. Height – Requesting only 2 additional metres is generally to account for architectural design features, ie. Parapets. Also providing generous setbacks from the residences.

  3. Compatibility and Site Design – Building’s been pushed closer to the street and landscaping cut back in order to be more compatible with adjacent commercial properties and residential uses. Providing garages which provide buffer for residences.

  4. Services – These will be addressed through SPC so not to adversely affect the area/residences. Sanitary, capacity, storm water all to be addressed.

Kevin McCully (resident) was online to provide feedback. Had computer issues. Chair Bortolin asks Mr. McCully to forward any issues/concerns in writing to Clerks and/or Council Members.

Councillor Sleiman notes local residents’ concerns regarding heights and especially services. Councillor inquires whether the area experienced flooding. Mr. Winters addresses these concerns and advises what will be required of the applicant through Site Plan Control to mitigate these factors. Councillor Sleiman inquires whether landscaping can be used to address the height concern. Mr. Robinson addresses this concern advising what Mr. McFarlane already expressed regarding a generous setback of 30m, building closer to the road, garage used as buffer and the additional 2 metres to be used for building esthetic purposes.

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