From: AMO Communications

Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 2:18 PM

Subject: AMO Policy Update – Standards of Care in Long-Term Care Homes

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November 2, 2020

AMO Policy Update – Standards of Care in Long-Term Care Homes

Today the Province announced that the 2020 Budget will include a commitment to increase the hours of direct care for each long-term care resident to an average of four hours per day, to be provided by nurses or personal support workers (PSWs). This is a 31.25% increase of the current standard that exists today (2.75 hours).

This commitment is consistent with the recommendation made in the Long-Term Commission’s Interim Report , and with that made in the Long-Term Care Staffing Study , released by the Ministry of Long-Term Care in July 2020. AMO has advocated for this standard since 2016.

In addition to this commitment, hard targets will be set over the next four years to achieve this standard by 2024-25. Progress against these targets will be measured and reported regularly. There will also be changes to educate and recruit the tens of thousands of new PSWs, registered practical nurses, and registered nurses that will be required.

This announcement makes Ontario the first jurisdiction in Canada to adopt this standard for long-term care residents. More details are expected in Ontario’s 2020 Budget on Thursday. Minister Fullerton also mentioned details will be included in a Staffing Strategy in December 2020.