From: AMO Communications

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 2:43 PM

Subject: AMO Policy Update – COVID-19 Resiliency Stream Launch, New Funding to Fight Human


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October 28, 2020

AMO Policy Update – COVID-19 Resiliency Stream Launch and New Funding to Fight Human Trafficking

Ontario Launches $1.05 Billion ICIP COVID-19 Resiliency Infrastructure Stream

The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier, and Laurie Scott, Minister of Infrastructure, have announced Ontario’s COVID-19 Resiliency Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). The fund allocates $250 million for Ontario municipal infrastructure projects, with an 80/20 federal/provincial cost share and no municipal cost match. The municipal portion includes $6.5 million for Indigenous, on-reserve education projects. Applications will be available on November 16, 2020.

Of the COVID-19 Resiliency Stream funding, $700 million is available to projects nominated by the Ministry of Education. Eligible projects include maximum eligible costs of $10 million for building and renovating and upgrading long-term care and education, child care, recreation and shelter facilities, parks, trails and bike lanes, flood mitigation, among others. AMO understands that the Ministry of Infrastructure will communicate allocations directly to municipal governments.

In August, AMO reported to members that the federal government would work with provinces to reallocate funding from the existing ICIP streams to allow infrastructure projects with a focus on adaptations and repairs required to keep communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Construction must begin by September 30, 2021 and must be completed by December 31, 2021.