November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information Notice of Motion

From: Lorena Shepley

Sent: Thursday, November 5, 2020 8:59 PM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Item 15(Notices of Motion) November 9, 2020 Agenda

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Mayor and Council members ,

I am writing in regards to Item 15(Notices of Motion) which is on the City Council Agenda for November 9, 2020. I do NOT support the construction of the new regional acute care hospital on County road 42. This particular location is inaccessible to the highest concentration of low income families in the region (wards 2 and 3). This demographic of constituents are the most likely not to own a vehicle, rely on public transportation and are the least likely to afford a taxi in an emergency from the West end of the City to the furthest East point of the City of Windsor. Imagine being a mother of two children, living in poverty, barely able to afford the necessities to support your family. Only to add to the stress, one of the children spikes a high fever during the night and has to visit the Emergency Room(the Urgent Care Centre would be closed at that time). What are her options now? Either she can take a $40.00 cab ride each way, decreasing the already little money she has for groceries this week, or take a 2 hour busride.


Lorena Shepley