November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathryn T
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2020 11:52 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Hospital Location Vote

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Please do not approve a hospital at the site currently being proposed. It is a social justice, environmental and urban planning disaster.

As everyone now knows, the proposed location is not about healthcare, it is about forcing roads, sewer and electrical infrastructure to be paid for by taxpayers so millionaire developers can earn more money.

Because it was never about health care, it won't improve care in this region. Rather, our most vulnerable people, people who already have social and practical obstacles to good healthcare, will be left completely abandoned by the "planners". This year of Black Lives

Matter we saw a focus on systemic racism become part of the wold's consciousness. Surely you can see that the hospital proposal is a glaring example of the white, entitled elite planning for their own comfort and convenience with no concern for the people they harm.

It is a financial disaster and that will also reduce care. Logic dictates that the burden of paying for the development infrastructure, the PP3 financing costs and the for-profit management of the facility in the proposed location will eat up our healthcare dollars and we will all have fewer, not more, services.

There are public transportation and ambulance cost concerns.

There are environmental concerns of building on flood plains, moving 4000 employees to a location where they cannot walk or ride bikes, moving the vast array of medical businesses and creating a heat sink with the acres of parking lot proposed.

Let me ask you one simply question. If the proposed location was about healthcare and not about forcing development infrastructure, where would a rational person locate it? The simple answer is, not where it has been proposed.

Please vote no on this expensive, shortsighted and heartless proposal.

Thank you,

Kathryn Tisdale