November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting – Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

-----Original Message----
From: j holt
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2020 4:52 PM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Council Meeting of Nov. 9 | Support of Proposed Motion

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The proposed notice of motion regarding the Hospital listed for the November 9 Council meeting is something that I deeply care about and you should too. The health and well being depends on the services and care our hospitals system is able to provide. It is obvious that it is struggling at no fault of our wonderful frontline workers. They are truly doing the best with what they have which isn't much. The crumbling infrastructure is impacting patient service. The rise in population since most of the buildings were built, over 50 years ago is causing over crowded rooms. Some rooms do not have washrooms with sinks causing poor hygiene practices, which is particularly concerning during the times we are in. I could go on about the endless reasons the new Windsor-Essex Hospitals System should be a top priority. Please support this!


James Holt