November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting – Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

From: Sofia Baert

Sent: Monday, November 02, 2020 2:58 PM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Mega Hospital Location

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To whom it may concern;

My name is Sofia, I currently reside in ward 2.

I am writing in connection with Item 15 (Notice of Motion) on the City Council Agenda for Nov 9, 2020.

I am writing with concerns regarding the mega hospital location. The city should be strongly opposing the construction of the new regional acute care hospital on County Road 42. This plan has been made in the interests of developers, not citizens.

This location is a disaster for anyone living in the core areas, which happen to be the areas which require the quickest access to the hospital. As an example already have enough people overdosing, and to move the hospital and EMS even further away would mean more deaths. Beyond that, even just for every day use, it makes no sense to put a hospital so far away from where the bulk of people live. Not to mention that people downtown are less likely to drive and the busses are entirely useless - they literally have no way of getting there quickly.

Furthermore, urban sprawl development will be a disaster both economically and socially for the city. This plan also does not meet the city’s environmental sustainability targets, and has not been planned in consultation with local Indigenous populations.

I could go on, but it honestly sickens me that this location is even being considered. It will reduce the health services people have access to and serve as a tool for rich CEOs to make even more money. It frightens me to think that some day, I might live in a city where someone like me, who cannot drive, would be unable to access health care.

Thank you for your time,

Sofia Baert