November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting – Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

From: jwalker

Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2020 1:59 PM

To: clerks <>

Subject: Item 15 (Notices of Motion) on the City Council Agenda

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To our city council-

I do not support the construction of the new regional acute care hospital on County Road 42. In particular, I am very concerned that the chosen location is too far from the city centre. People choose to live in the city so they have more available access to their needs---ie: groceries, pharmacy, health care providers,clothing, hardware stores, etc.

Those that have chosen to live in the outskirts of the city, do it for the quieter life style, more space, etc----knowing that they will need a motorized vehicle to get to many of the above amenities.

Those that live in the city do so because they can walk or bike or take public transit to get where they need to go.

We need to build a new hospital in the heart of the city. Could you imagine the devastation if Toronto decided to take their hospitals out of the core and build in the outskirts!

We have brown space in our city core to accommodate a new hospital. AND we have the infrastructure already in place so that the mega-cost will be greatly reduced for the city taxpayers for generations to come.