COVERED FACILITY – An entity registered under the OBPS and therefore exempt from the Federal Carbon Charge for volumes of fuel delivered by Enbridge Gas (i.e. Fuel Charge under Section 40 of the GGPPA). Covered Facilities are classified as mandatory or voluntary based on annual emissions. Covered Facilities are not exempt from Enbridge Gas’s Facility Carbon Charges or administration-related costs.

CRA – Canada Revenue Agency.

CREDITS – Issued by the federal government to facilities that achieve annual emissions volumes below their annual output-based emissions limit. Each credit represents one tonne of CO2e, can be banked for future use against emissions or traded, has a useful life of five years from the period following the year for which the credit was issued, and will be tracked using a centralized system (currently under development).

CUSTOMER VOLUMES – Distribution volumes delivered by Enbridge Gas in Ontario, except for volumes delivered to customers that hold an Exemption Certificate.

CUSTOMER-RELATED OBLIGATIONS – The obligation related to GHG emissions associated with the natural gas delivered by Enbridge Gas, other than to Covered Facilities.

DCQ – Daily Contract Quantity.

Deferred Issues – As part of its Decision and Order on Enbridge Gas’s 2020

Application, the OEB ordered that for First Nations on-reserve customers the Federal Carbon Charge remain interim and that Enbridge Gas track charges for these customers until such time that the OEB makes a determination regarding the constitutional applicability of FCPP-related charges to them.