November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting – Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

-----Original Message-----
From: lhostens
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2020 8:42 AM
To: clerks <>
Subject: RE: November 9 Council Meeting: Support of Proposed Motion

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I am writing about the proposed notice of motion regarding the Hospital listed for the November 9 Council meeting. This is a big deal for any person in the Windsor-Essex community. A hospital should be a place of safety and security when everything else feels like its falling apart. Unfortunately, for too long, the hospital itself has been falling apart. This needs to be fixed and I am not referring to ""repairs"".

Repairs are not the solution and are in fact part of the problem. It’s now common for procedures and surgeries to be delayed as a result of building repairs. Please tell councillors that it's time to move forward and vote for the proposed motion and support our community's future with the new Windsor-Essex Hospitals System.

Thank you,

Liliane Hostens