location is reflected in suitably located existing Canadian health care institutions. The course of future expansion reflects a "Smart City"concept universal to those who continue to uphold that belief.

On one note a theme can be developed within an inherent desire to proceed along a certain path which was the case presented by exponents on behalf of WRH. Things that were supposed to be disappeared as outlook to a new facility oscillated in terms of cost of land, appeasing County interests and multiple other variables that holds hostage toward reprieve of properly situated health care. Questions posed are the final determinants as to what's to evolve responding to health care provision situated in Windsor's commercial core.

CR 42 presents challenges with uncertain outcomes, while CAMPP's assured periodic on line submissions continue to present indisputable argument for a thesis that is factual, impartially driven and correctly reasoned. Accolades are warranted to the authors as to a theme that continues to resonate for justifiable considerations put forward to re-evaluate the decisions made by public officials toward reconsideration of the new hospital in relation to servicing public need and location. for the new facility. County Road 42 is not the solution.

William Kachmaryk, Sr.