FACILITY CARBON CHARGE – The common volumetric charge proposed by Enbridge Gas, for the EGD rate zone and Union rate zones, to recover the facility costs resulting from the GGPPA related to Enbridge Gas’s: (i) Company Use Volumes including distribution buildings, boiler/line heaters and NGV fleet volumes (which are subject to the Federal Carbon Charge under Part 1 of the GGPPA); and, (ii) transmission and storage compression volumes (which are subject to the OBPS as Enbridge Gas’s transmission and storage system is a “covered facility” under Part 2 of the GGPPA).

FACILITY VOLUMES – Composed of: (i) Company Use Volumes including distribution buildings, boilers/line heaters, and NGV fleet volumes; and, (ii) transmission and storage compression volumes.

FCCCVA – Federal Carbon Charge – Customer Variance Account.

FCCFVA – Federal Carbon Charge – Facility Variance Account.

FCPP – As part of the GGPPA, a federal carbon pricing program (also known as the “Backstop”) applies in any province or territory that requested it or that did not have an equivalent carbon pricing system in place that meets federal carbon pricing requirements by January 1, 2019.6 The FCPP is composed of a charge on fossil fuels and an Output-Based Pricing System.

FEDERAL CARBON CHARGE – As part of the FCPP, a charge applied to fossil fuels imposed on distributors, importers and producers applicable from 2019-2022 and equivalent to $40/tCO2e in 2021 and increasing by $10/tCO2e annually each April, reaching $50/tCO2e in April 2022. This charge applies to volumes delivered by Enbridge Gas to its customers and to Enbridge Gas’s Company Use Volumes (i.e. distribution buildings, boilers/line heaters and NGV fleet volumes).

FTE – Full-Time Equivalents.