November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting – Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

-----Original Message-----
From: margo pastovich
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2020 4:44 PM
To: clerks <>
Subject: Council Meeting of Nov. 9 | Support of Proposed Motion

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I needed to voice my concern about the proposed notice of motion regarding the Hospital listed for the November 9 Council meeting. The state of repair at Windsor-Essex’s hospitals are a serious issue that needs not only words but action! Windsor's frontline workers deserve better. Children, the elderly, the entire community rely on their hospital to be able to support them when they need it most.

My objection is to the location. Why would anyone in their right mind build a hospital near an airport. Are you really certain there will never be a crash into the hospital or an explosion nearby! Think about it. Accident is just a word until it happens to you.

Its time to take some serious action and support the new Windsor-Essex Hospitals System in a more suitable location.

Sincerely, Margo Pastovich