b. Customer-related Federal Carbon Charge costs for volumes delivered by Enbridge Gas to its residential, commercial and industrial customers who are not covered under the OBPS; and
c. Facility-related costs (“Facility Carbon Charge”) arising from Enbridge Gas’s facilities and operation of its gas distribution system.
4. Enbridge Gas hereby applies to the OEB, pursuant to the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.15, Schedule B (the “Act”), for:
an order or orders allowing it to charge customers a Federal Carbon Charge on a volumetric basis, in the amount of the Federal Carbon Charge required to be paid pursuant to the GGPPA, effective April 1, 2021; and
an order or orders approving or fixing just and reasonable rates for all Enbridge Gas rate zones (EGD, Union North and Union South),1 effective April 1, 2021, to allow Enbridge Gas to recover other costs (including Facility Carbon Charge costs) in compliance with the GGPPA.
5. Enbridge Gas further applies to the OEB for all necessary orders and directions concerning pre-hearing and hearing procedures for the determination of this application.
6. This application is supported by written evidence that has been filed with this application and may be amended from time to time as circumstances may require.
7. The persons affected by this application are the customers resident or located in the municipalities, police villages, Indigenous communities and Métis organizations served by Enbridge Gas, together with those to whom Enbridge Gas sells gas, or on whose behalf Enbridge Gas distributes, transmits or stores gas. It is impractical to set out in this application the names and addresses of such persons because they are too numerous.
1 Collectively, the Union North and Union South rate zones are referred to as the “Union rate zones”.