November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting – Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

From: carol anne delcol

Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2020 1:58 PM To: clerks <>

Cc: Francis, Fred <>; Costante, Fabio <>; Bortolin, Rino <>; Gignac, Jo-Anne (Councillor) <>; Holt, Chris <>; Kaschak, Gary <>; Morrison, Jim <>; Mckenzie, Kieran <>; Gill, Jeewen <>; Sleiman, Ed <>; mayoro <> Subject: Re: Opposition to November 9th motion on acute care hospital location

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Dear councillors:

With regard to the motion concerning the hospital, for approval on November 9th, I firmly oppose the County Road 42 location.

I am a retired nurse who started at Hotel Dieu Hospital in 1963 and later was recruited to Met in 1979. I worked there until 2006. I have seen many hospital restructurings and closures, only to be rebuilt elsewhere. This particular restructuring is just the last straw for me.

I am not opposed to a new hospital but it must be accessible. The County Road 42 location is inaccessible to vulnerable people, including the homeless, as well as others in the west end and inner city residents who don't drive.

I am also concerned about the impact on future taxes of this greenfield development.

  1. The city has a $5 billion Sewer Master Plan to pay for

  2. The $3M grant application for the Celestial Beacon was recently refused

  3. The infrastructure for the new hospital site has not yet been built

  4. Roads will need to be widened and the county will not be paying for this

  5. We will need to pay additional public transit costs to the hospital (buses, drivers, etc).

    The County won't be paying for this either

Windsor is aging. More retirees means less ability to pay higher taxes. We are also losing a lot of jobs. Recent job insecurity will make it difficult for families to cope.

My other concerns are climate change and the problems with developing on farmland. More cement will result in water retention and this will increase flood risk.