November 4, 2020

To: Mayor Drew Dilkens and City of Windsor Councillors

Re: New Windsor-Essex Regional Acute Care Hospital

Your Worship and Councillors,

I am so pleased that City Council and other agencies are pushing forward the building of a new state of the art hospital on County Road 42 by letting the Province of Ontario know that they need to fund the planning stage.

I was a part of a group of citizens called 42 Forward, which held a meeting on the need for this project, and the attendance and support for our citizens was outstanding. That was some time ago now.

We must get moving.

Every time I enter one of the current Windsor Regional Hospital sites I am reminded of the great need for a new hospital.

Covid 19 is all about infection and this has reinforced the need for a hospital with private rooms and updated equipment which could include a laboratory.

Our health care professionals who have been true heroes over the years and are now so more than ever, and our patients deserve much better than our current old dilapidated sites.

There are issues like busing and other concerns about the current locations and services. I believe that as a community we can work together to solve those problems as I have seen us come together over the years to solve many local issues.

We must get the Provincial funds to begin more concrete plans so that we can move this project forward in the best interests all of our citizens and their needs.

Premier Ford said he would make this happen and I believe him!