November 9, 2020
City Council Agenda – Item 8.6
Additional Information

Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2020 7:49 PM
To: clerks <>
Cc: david hanna
Subject: Request to have written Delegation added to Item No. 8.6 "Temp.Exhibit.." of the November 2,
2020 City of Windsor Council Agenda

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I would request that copy of this e-mail and attachments be added as a Delegation to: Agenda Item No. 8.6 " Temporary Exhibition Look Again! Outside! Installed Outdoors at eight Downtown Locations - Ward 3" (SCM 299/ 2020) (S125 / 2020) for the November 9, 2020 meeting of the City of Windsor Council Agenda.

As a citizen of Windsor, I would like to add my support for this AGW project to display reproduction copy of AGW Paintings at the possible locations mentioned in Agenda Item No. 8.6.

The Art Gallery of Windsor project offers:

1. More public exposure to great art, which is always a good thing for citizens of all ages and backgrounds. It serves to inspire new interests and generate community pride.

2. It serves to attract both existing and new visitors back to the AGW and promote the AGW collection.

3. The project offers a public reminder of the quality and diversity of the AGW collection, serving as a visual reminder and enticement to have viewers visit the AGW first-hand - to see the originals on display at the AGW.

4. The Detroit Institute of Art (DIA) has had their "Inside / Out" program of framed high quality DIA Art reproduction on public outdoor display at a variety of 'ever-changing' outdoor community locations for 11 years now. The larger DIA program covers three S.E. Michigan Counties and additionally has offered some art reproduction display in 25 additional neighbourhoods in Michigan's Northern Communities and Upper Peninsula as of late. The longevity of the DIA track record has proven the success of the DIA "Indoor / Outdoor" program. Proving the model adds benefits for both the DIA, City of Detroit and the various