November 9, 2020 City Council Meeting Item 15 Additional Information on Notice of Motion

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I am writing regarding the proposed notice of motion regarding the Hospital listed for the November 9 Council meeting. Aged. Tired. Crumbling. Those are words that front line staff use to describe the state of repair at Windsor-Essex’s hospitals. Its time to address this! I support the new Windsor-Essex

Hospitals System because it's the obvious move. People need good hospitals. Patients, of course, need the best possible environment for treatment and recovery. The current state is no where close to the best Windsor can do. This is not about want it's about need. This does not just impact patients but the nurses, doctors and all those who spend everyday working to help others. These frontline heroes deserve better. Please consider the clear necessity of a new Windsor-Essex Hosptials System. People like me and so many more are counting on you.

Thank you,

Patti Carter