City Council
Monday, October 19, 2020  





Manager of Urban Design

Site Plan Approval, TELUS Communications Inc. c/o LandSolutions LP, 3496 Sandwich St., Telecommunications facility (equipment shelter within a locked and fenced compound)


Note & File


Manager of Urban Design

Site Plan Approval, Suburban Construction & Management Ltd. c/o Christian LeFave, 7887 Edgar St., Four storey residential apartment building with associated surface parking


Note & File


Committee of

Adjustment / Consent


Applications heard by the Committee of Adjustment/Consent Authority, Thursday, October 15, 2020, 3:30 p.m., through Electronic Meeting Participation


Note & File


Report Number: CMC 17/2020

7.2. Response to CQ#29-2020 - Options to Install a Curling Rink in an Arena

Moved by: Councillor Morrison

Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: CR504/2020

That the report of the Office of the Commissioner – Parks, Recreation, Culture and Corporate Facilities dated October 2, 2020 entitled “Response to CQ#29-2020 – Options to Install a Curling Rink in an Arena” BE RECEIVED; and further,

WHEREAS Windsor City Council fully respects the decision-making process of the Board of Directors of Roseland Golf and Curling Club;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Windsor City Council REQUESTS a reconsideration of the Board’s decision to cancel the 2020-2021 curling season at their next board meeting, on or before October 30, 2020; and further,

That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a letter to the Board of Directors of the Roseland Golf and Curling Club indicating that City Council has formally voted on and endorsed their support to resume curling in a safe and restricted manner at the Roseland facility, as laid out by Curling Canada.