City Council
Monday, October 19, 2020

WHEREAS the Bridge Company in May 2020, upon information and belief, is seeking to take advantage of a temporary emergency waiver solely for emergency supplies (such as large shipments of hand sanitizer containing flammable alcohol), requested that Michigan’s Department of Transportation allow trucks to carry flammable, chemical or corrosive materials across the four-lane bridge connecting Detroit Michigan and Windsor, Ontario; and,

WHEREAS in 2014 the Michigan Department of Transportation ruled against permitting hazardous materials to be transported across the Ambassador Bridge following widespread political and community opposition to the request, in particular because the age and design of the structure make it inherently unsafe for such activity, primarily due to the inability of emergency personnel and equipment to reach the scene in the event of a serious accident; and,

WHEREAS transportation of such hazardous chemicals has long been, and is currently allowed across the Detroit River by the Windsor-Detroit Truck Ferry; and,

WHEREAS transporting of hazardous materials across the Ambassador Bridge has been ruled excessively dangerous due to the lack of necessary safety measures and emergency planning in case of an accident that would close the bridge, one of the busiest trade crossings in North America, should damage occur; and,

WHEREAS community feedback continues to vehemently oppose such transportation as little has changed in terms of emergency planning, including containment of a spill and/or fire, maintaining an adequate water supply and contamination of the Detroit River; and,

WHEREAS the bridge is in proximity to thousands of residents on both sides of the border and contaminants that would probably be released in an accident involving transportation of hazardous materials have been linked to severe health problems, including but not limited to testicular and kidney cancer, thyroid disease, and respiratory and immune system disorders;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Windsor City Council STRONGLY OPPOSES any renewed efforts by the Detroit International Bridge Company leading to the authorization of the transport of any hazardous and toxic materials between Windsor, Ontario, Canada and Detroit, Michigan via the Ambassador Bridge; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Windsor City Council REQUESTS the senior levels of government to work to prevent the transport and/or disposal of hazardous or toxic materials on the Ambassador Bridge.

Clerk’s File: GM2020

7.1.7. As the pandemic evolves, many people remain hungry and will need continued access to a no contact drive-through food hub. The hub located at Adie Knox Herman Recreation Complex must endure through to the end of the year to help those in need. The use of Adie Knox is imperative to the UHC’s distribution of emergency food assistance, food storage, and assembly space.