June 15, 2020

Item 11.7

Additional Information

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Dear Clerk, please add my sentiments to the council agenda item 11.7 June 15th/2020 concerning the streetcar location,

I strongly concur with the three following comments from first, Howard Weeks, second from Aaron

Mavrinac, especially Aaron’s last paragraph and third, from Mike Cardinal. Something was not right in the procedure of the previous 2018 council’s avoidance of open discussion by placing the item on consent and apparently ignoring the results of the survey.

Additionally, it has been long overdue that Riverside Dr from Crawford to the Bridge should be treated as a parkland area with a speed limit of 25mph much like Ypres Av is. The drive today is nothing more than an evening race course for cars, racing motorcycles and pick-up trucks most which shove their ultra loud customized mufflers down the throats of the neighbourhood.

I live at 2451 Rvsd West, across the street from the exit of Assumption Park. My neighbours and I have to endure the ‘customized muffler parades’ from these groups gathering at the park or racing back and forth on the drive. No police action whatsoever. I might add that I have not witnessed anymore nighttime patrolling for the last few years that used the riverfront trail to check up on the sculpture garden late at night.

Even if council votes against the streetcar at the beacon, the council report, 11.1 doesn’t mention one word as to how they will mitigate the increase in traffic for the neighbourhood. The proposed extra 18 parking spots still will not suffice on warm evenings when the lot is full and drivers are sometimes lined up on the ramps waiting for spot and randomly parking in ‘no parking’ zones.

Perhaps a pedestrian crosswalk is warranted at Askin and Riverside as well due to folks who will park in the residential areas to attend different functions at the beacon. Again, 25mph should have been in place years ago. University Av would then see more usage as it should, being a commercial avenue. About 38 years ago, I complained to the city that truck traffic should be eliminated from the drive and thankfully they heeded my concern and stopped trucks from Crawford to the Bridge.

Please listen to the people this time,


Chris Asmar