There was no multiple choice for this question and the respondent could answer however they liked in an open text box. 671 people left a comment and 541 people opted to skip the question. While there was a wide range of comments on multiple topics, the following comments appeared most often have been summarized below. It should be noted that some comments contained multiple suggestions and were tallied accordingly. The top comments or suggestions included:
Do not want it built/spend money elsewhere (117 people)
Don’t approve of the location (109 people)
Like the design and plan (57 people)
Concern over natural land/green space (56 people)
Concerns over obstruction of view from Riverside (46 people)
Want more greenery/nature/trees/grass/flowers (30 people)
Want some sort of restaurant/food truck/cafe/dining (39 people)
o Specifically suggested alcohol (7 people)
Don’t understand/don’t like the name (27 people)
Concerns over security/want to ensure there is adequate lighting in keeping with overall design and not just bright security lights (26 people)
Concerns over parking – either want more/free/worried about side street parking/don’t want parking on the waterfront (25 people)
Don’t like the design – too modern, too big, wrong materials (24 people)
Want more historical information/tie it in with Windsor’s history etc. (23 people)