There were a number of people suggesting to have a multi-faith prayer space and some of these mentioned having separate areas for men and women. There were also just as many mentions for wanting to have more trees and natural shade in the area. In addition to the suggestions, 26 people took the opportunity to say they did not want to see this project happen. There were a variety of reasons for not supporting the initiative but mainly these responses were because people wanted to see these dollars spent on other items (many references roads/flooding), they did not want this on the waterfront or that they did not support the project at all.

In addition to the top three comments, there were many general comments about wanting to see food trucks, ice cream, cafes and patios for a drink and a number of people referenced Chicago, Detroit, and Europe as examples of waterfront areas they appreciated. A number of responses referenced wanting to increase economic opportunities included ideas like pop up markets, bike rentals/e-bike rentals, water sport rentals, acoustic concert areas, beer gardens, children’s interactive areas and/or splash pads were also mentioned. Some mentioned interactive games like chess, ping pong, mini golf or sport courts. In terms of food, eight (8) people mentioned halal food or halal restaurants specifically. There were a few mentions about more benches and opportunities for golf carts (similar to the art cart) for seniors to make the area more accessible. A few respondents also referenced technology including charging stations, WIFI areas and interactive signage.