June 15, 2020

Item 11.7

Request for Deferral

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Dear Mayor and Councillors:

I am impressed with our citizens in defence of our precious waterfront parks.

I have been in touch with many area residents and read some very well written arguments for reconsideration of the proposed Celestial Beacon at the foot of Askin Avenue.

I believe this area is not in need of commercialization by adding a concession stand, nor the added traffic that the streetcar addition will bring. Please reconsider its location.

This off campus area, RiverWest, has been subjected to an imbalance, created by the over intensification in housing and the minimization of free backyard space. It remains a challenge to keep things in check despite bylaws and enforcement.

One argument developers used was that parks are readily available for recreation therefore justifying pushing the limits of the existing planning and zoning bylaws. This proposal will further limit outdoor recreation choices where people can throw a ball, fly a kite, have a picnic or read a book quietly etc.

Advice given by administration at one meeting was to 'manage your expectations'.

It is our expectation and that of every citizen in the City of Windsor that we have a fair process, with public input.

Therefore, I believe this matter should be deferred to allow further discussion and public input.

Lena Angelidis

RiverWest resident