Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store

1550 Huron Church Road – Windsor, Ontario

Prepared by: Barry Horrobin, B.A., M.A., CLEP, CMM-III Director of Planning & Physical Resources – WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE

The following is a summary of observations, public safety issues that should be addressed, and recommended actions to be taken regarding the physical safety and security conditions associated with the proposed new Cannabis retail store to be located in west Windsor. Information provided here is based on the universally known principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and both vehicular and pedestrian traffic impact, according to prevailing data and known experience in forecasting public safety impacts.


Situational Safety & Criminogenic Conditions

The property is situated on the city’s west side, within a large, busy commercial plaza with numerous other stores and where there are high volumes of vehicular traffic and pedestrians. Specifically, its physical placement and orientation within the retail plaza does present some anticipated public safety challenges that need addressing. Specifically, these include:

The physical placement of the store is set back from Huron Church Road and is embedded within a busy commercial plaza featuring many other stores and businesses that attract a wide demographic of customers – including vulnerable populations such as children and seniors. The busy nature of the plaza strengthens ongoing natural surveillance capability of the front of the business throughout its operating hours.

The busy nature of the plaza creates an environment where pedestrians must navigate considerable ongoing, interspersed vehicular traffic. This is the reality of a large commercial plaza that will need to be considered by the applicant to maintain safety.

PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT ASSESSMENT – Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store

June 2020