
Proposed new retail store is situated within a busy commercial plaza set back some distance from Walker Road, making it less directly observable from the road by Police


The very nature of the business (sales of Cannabis products) warrants a high degree of target hardening security features, above what a more conventional retail business may require, in order to prevent criminal activity from germinating. This should come in the form of higher security locking hardware, high resolution CCTV recording capability, a security alarm system, robust illumination levels and clear instructional signage.

Most Anticipated Public Safety Challenges

This assessment has identified the most likely public safety issues/challenges that are anticipated, requiring the attention of the Windsor Police Service. These need to be recognized and acknowledged if any corresponding course of action is to be successful at establishing and maintaining safety, security, and general public order. These include:

PUBLIC SAFETY IMPACT ASSESSMENT – Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store

June 2020