
Enhancing planning policy for climate action was the most frequent comment received. Though most of the comments actually pertained to mitigation (active transportation, increasing density), it was identified through the comments that planning policy should be reviewed and enhanced for mitigation and adaptation.


Trees were the second most frequent topic discussed in the comments. The comments suggested the need to plant more trees (specifically native species), protection for current trees, and improved planting methods for street trees to enhance survival.

Education, Engagement and Community Involvement

Comments were received expressing interest in participating in community events on climate action which would be supported by public education and engagement activities hosted by the City.

Support for Staffing and Budget Increases

A couple of comments received identified that climate change actions are under resourced in both staffing and financial resources and that climate change staff should have a greater public profile at Council and at public events. There was also credit given to how administration is beginning to embed climate change into other municipal actions (ex. Asset Management and the Triple Bottom Line)

Less restrictions on lawn maintenance and permitting of more naturalize lawns and gardens

A number of comments were also received requesting the City look at updating policies to allow and promote naturalization on private property to aid in stormwater retention (ex. native gardens and raingardens).

Salt Management

Comments also identified the negative effects of excessive use of road salt particularly around natural areas.

Based on the above comments and the public engagement sessions, the following minor changes, (changes noted in italics), were made to the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change (Appendix B);

Action 1.1 – Incorporate climate change considerations into Municipal Decision Making: Incorporate climate change language into the City’s Official Plan, Zoning By-Law, and any implementation guidelines

Action 1.2 – Increase community level of knowledge on Climate Change, added subaction: Engage with local indigenous peoples to further climate action based on traditional knowledge and experience