
Council Report: S 20/2020

Subject: Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change- City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. That City Council APPROVE the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change.

Executive Summary:



The draft Climate Change Adaptation Plan was tabled for public comment until January 22, 2020 as per CR628/2019.

I. That the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation, Degrees of Change (Appendix A), BE TABLED for public feedback until January 22, 2020; and

II. THAT the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change BE DIRECTED to conduct public engagement for the purpose of soliciting public feedback on the DRAFT Climate Change Adaptation Plan, and that a summary of public comments be reported back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee in February 2020; and

III. THAT the Supervisor, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change BE DIRECTED to bring the final Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Degrees of Change, back to the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee in February 2020 for approval.

This plan was funded through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program (MCIP) Climate Adaptation Partner