11.4. Application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization at 300 Cabana Rd E, Suite 2 - Ward 9

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: CR291/2020

That City Council RECEIVE the collected comments as requested through CR534/2019 for information; and,

That City Council SUPPORT the Retail Cannabis Application requested by ‘Cloud 29’ regarding the site located at 300 Cabana Road E, Suite 2; and,

That City Council DIRECT the Chief Administrative Officer to RETURN their decision along with this report and Appendices A and B to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for consideration regarding the Retail Cannabis Application and for delivery to the Applicant, ‘Cloud 29’, no later than June 6, 2020.


Report Number: C 105/2020

Clerk’s File: GP/13047

11.5. Response To Correspondence From Spirits Canada Re: Municipal Liquor Policies To Support Local Bars and Restaurants

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie


11.5. Response To Correspondence From Spirits Canada Re: Municipal Liquor Policies To Support Local Bars and Restaurants

Decision Number: CR292/2020

That the report of the Executive Initiatives Coordinator dated May 28, 2020 entitled “Response To

Coorrespondence From Spirits Canada Re: Municipal Liquor Policies To Support Local Bars and

Restaurants” BE RECEIVED.

Report Number: C 108/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786

8.7. Rezoning - Borys Sozanski - 1035 California - Z-002/20 ZNG/6044 - Ward 2

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR281/2020

That the report of the Development and Heritage Standing Committee of its meeting held May 11,

2020 regarding “Rezoning – Borys Sozanski – 1035 California – Z-002/20 ZNG/6044” BE

DEFERRED to allow for administration to prepare a report for Council’s consideration regarding