11.2. Confirm and Ratify Report regarding supporting local restaurants and small businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic--City Wide

Moved by: Councillor McKenzie

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: CR289/2020

That the results of the email poll authorized by Mayor Drew Dilkens on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, approving the following resolution BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

In an effort to support restaurants and small businesses during Covid-19 and to promote proper physical distancing,

THAT City Council APPROVES the following:

1) That fees for sidewalk cafe permits be waived for the remainder of 2020;

2) That fees for outdoor cafes located on the public right of way be waived for the remainder of 2020;

3) That fees for the rental of Lanspeary Park be waived to allow for a pilot project for an outdoor food hall, the details and content of which are subject to the satisfaction of City Administration;

4) That Business Improvement Areas (BIA) within the City of Windsor be requested to submit plans forthwith for any temporary closure of roads and/or sidewalks to facilitate proper physical distancing while encouraging patrons to support local businesses within a BIA.

5) That City Council request an expedited response from the Special Events Resource Team to plans submitted by BIA’s;

6) That City Council waive fees for the closing of the public right of way for approvals granted to BIA’s in (5) above;

7) That all plans approved be subject to the satisfaction of City Administration and that City Administration be authorized to take all steps necessary in relation to the foregoing;

8) That a report be submitted to City Council outlining the approvals granted under this initiative.

Report Number: C 107/2020

Clerk’s File: MH/13786

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