7.1. Correspondence Monday, June 1, 2020

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

Decision Number: CR273/2020

That the following Communication Items 7.1.1 through 7.1.7 inclusive as set forth in the Council Agenda BE REFERRED as noted:

No. Sender Subject
7.1.1 Ministry ofAgriculture, Food andRural Affairs Approval of the appointment of Andrew Dowie as Drainage Superintendent for the City of Windsor effective April 27, 2020City EngineerGP2020 Note & File
7.1.2 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Local Planning Appeal Tribunal orders that L.P.A.TFile No.: LC110040 be closed (Claimants A. & M.Chams seeking land compensation)Deputy City SolicitorCity PlannerMMA2020Note & File
7.1.3 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Local Planning Appeal Tribunal orders that the Request for Directions by 1214621 Ontario Inc. (VIP Nite Club) is granted and their proceeding under the Expropriations Act now before the Tribunal is not barred by the previous Order of the Tribunal dated August 11, 2011, dismissing the prior Claim under OMB File No. LC070006City Solicitor Deputy City SolicitorMMA2020 Note & File