

Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store

315 Ouellette Avenue – Windsor, Ontario

Prepared by: Barry Horrobin, B.A., M.A., CLEP, CMM-III Director of Planning & Physical Resources – WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE

The following is a summary of observations, public safety issues that should be addressed, and recommended actions to be taken regarding the physical safety and security conditions associated with the proposed new Cannabis retail store proposed in downtown Windsor. Information provided here is based on the universally known principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) and both vehicular and pedestrian traffic impact, according to prevailing data and known experience in forecasting public safety impacts.


Situational Safety & Criminogenic Conditions

The property is situated within the boundaries of the Downtown Windsor BIA, in a largely commercial area very close to the busy Ouellette @ University intersection, where there are generally high amounts of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Its physical placement supports safe pedestrian accessibility to the front of the business where visibility is strong but a potentially complicating factor is that it backs onto an alley which exhibits signs of unlawful behaviour (sustained quantities of graffiti and debris). This does present some anticipated public safety challenges that need addressing; in particular:

The physical placement of the store property includes a main entry point directly to Ouellette Avenue and a rear alley service access (back of store). It will be very important that all public access to the store be restricted to the more visually accountable front entry point where ongoing natural surveillance capability is highest.

The property has a somewhat limited sidewalk apron to safely accommodate larger crowds that may arise without a potential spillover onto the adjacent roadway or