matter. The results of a poll must be confirmed and ratified at the next public meeting of Council”.


On May 19, 2020, the City of Windsor received a request for written submissions regarding an application for a Cannabis Retail Store Authorization at 315 Ouellette Avenue from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). Submissions are provided to the Applicant for response and considered by the Registrar in the authorization decision.

Under the provisions of the Cannabis License Act, 2018, municipalities have 15 days to deliver written submissions. Administration gathered comments and compiled them in the attached administrative report dated May 26, 2020 with comments due to the AGCO by May 30, 2020.

Given the tight timelines, Mayor Dilkens authorized the Deputy City Clerk to conduct an email poll pursuant to Section 3.7 of the Procedure By-law 98-2011. As a result of the poll, the recommended resolution to support the retail cannabis application was passed by all members of Council, save and except Councillors Francis, Sleiman, Gignac and Mayor Dilkens who voted in opposition to the application.

Risk Analysis:

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapid rate at which the situation is changing, the attached administrative report was put forward for Council’s consideration via email poll as it was an emergency situation requiring Council direction given that time did not permit holding a special meeting of Council given the AGCO’s requirement for a response within 15 days.

Financial Matters:



See attached administrative report.


It is recommended that the results of the email poll conducted on May 29, 2020, be confirmed and ratified.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Steve Vlachodimos Deputy City Clerk, Senior Manager of